Workplace Safety Classes
Propane Emergencies for HazMat Technicians
Our FCSS Instructors are NFPA Certified Fire Service Instructors & HazMat Technicians with extensive real- world HazMat Technician experience in the hot zone. The student will operate with firefighting protective clothing and an SCBA to mitigate actual and simulated propane emergencies most commonly found in emergency response.
The propane program will allow students to:
Understand the Chemical and Physical Properties of propane,
Identify Container types and ancillary features,
Given a propane emergency, determine risk and develop an incident action plan,
Advance a hose line on propane fires,
Stop leaks from pressurized propane cylinders and containers,
Replace a severed pressure relief valve,
Transfer product from cylinder to cylinder through normal measures,
Set up and operate a propane evacuation flare system,
Transfer product from cylinder to cylinder/flare by inverting the container, and
Hot-tap and perform a side wall evacuation and flare.
FCSS will provide experienced HazMat technician instructors, consumable propane, and props. The students will provide turn-out gear and SCBA with a spare cylinder. Students shall be fit-tested and medically qualified to perform the tasks of a HazMat Technician while wearing turnout gear and an SCBA.
Class Location: Classroom Location: Westbrook FD | Hands On Location: Quality Propane
Duration: Two days